Friday, March 31, 2017

Hidden Brain Poster

Today the students will be creating a Group Poster about the Hidden Brain podcast they listened to and discussed yesterday.  

The students need to break into Groups of 3-4 Students and Complete a Poster Set Up as the one above.  Each Group turns in 1 poster!


Pick three careers you might want to pursue after college. Write down each of these options and why you chose them. Write for a few minutes about each of these different career paths.

For each of these paths, identify two ways you could ‘prototype’ being in that career. 

What do you think you wouldn’t like about that career path? 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hidden Brain - Getting Unstuck

Today the students are learning about the idea of "Design Thinking"  They will be working in their groups creating a poster that helps them develop the idea of what they want to become.

Getting Unstuck Link

The students will be discussing their study guide and making a Group Poster.  This will be due at the end of the day on Friday!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Body Language and the Power of Choice

Today we are going to begin our exploration of how we present ourselves to the world.  More importantly we are going to start looking at how we present ourselves and what that actually conveys.  We will start this journey by looking at Body Language.

Cornell Note Questions

Monday, March 20, 2017

March Madness Project Continues

Go Animate Assignment Week 3/6 through 3/10

Go Animate

Part of discovering new ways to interact with content is finding new ways to present Content.  The students will begin their exploration of GoAnimate presentation software.

They need to click on the link below to get to our Class Website.

Log in is as follows

username:  first initial first name then last name ie. mrobinson
password: student1


username: first name then first initial of last name ie. michaelr
password: student1

Go Animate Mini Doc.

Due Wednesday April 12th

You will be designing a day in the life of a college student from the University  that you drew.

You will have to build a 12 scene Goanimate Documentary in the following format.

Scene 1 - Title Card (Includes the name of your University and your name)
Scene 2 - Wake Up (In this scene you talk about the different housing options available to College students at your university.  You must include Campus Housing, Greek Housing (If present) and Apartment choices.
Scene 3 -  Dining Hall (In this Scene you are outlining the different Campus Dining Choices.  This includes how students pay for their meals and different plans available.)
Scene 4 -  First Class of the day - English 101  (You must find a syllabus from an entry level English Class and Highlight the semester of work a typical freshman has)
Scene 5 - Second Class of the day - Math 101 (You must find a syllabus from an entry level Math Class and Highlight the semester of work a typical freshman has)
Scene 6 - Third Class - Elective Class of your Choosing (You must find a syllabus from an entry level Elective Class and Highlight the semester of work a typical freshman has)
Scene 7 - Fourth Class - Elective Class of your Choosing (You must find a syllabus from an entry level Elective Class and Highlight the semester of work a typical freshman has)
Scene 8 - Study Time (In this scene you are detailing the campus resources for studying.  Include the different University resource available.)
Scene 9 - Recreation Time (In this scene you are outlining the different campus resources for Recreation. Include Indoor and Outdoor Rec Centers that are present)
Scene 10 - Dinner Time (In this scene you outline the common dining options available off campus.)
Scene 11 -End Card

This Mini Documentary will be writing intensive.  The Total time for the project is 8-10 minutes.   Which means that each slide is a minimum of 48 seconds long.  Use the Cornell Note paper following this sheet to outline your scenes!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Extra Credit Week of 3-13 to 3-17

Identify the fake from the real.

You need to watch and Cornell Note the Brain Game episode below.  Use the commercial breaks to help identify when you switch topic questions.

Upon the completion of your notes you need to write a 5 paragraph essay on the merits of the truth in Modern Society!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Key to Making Good Decisions

You need to set up your Cornell with the following questions.

What is the key to making better decisions????

What are strategies offered by the speaker to make better decisions?

Fact from Fiction

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

College Research

Today we are looking at different types of colleges and what they have to offer.

The students will be clicking the link below

College Finder Link - Click Here

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Go Animate Assignment Week 3/6 through 3/10

Go Animate

Part of discovering new ways to interact with content is finding new ways to present Content.  The students will begin their exploration of GoAnimate presentation software.

They need to click on the link below to get to our Class Website.

Group Code to Join

Period 3 AVID - 0wALGVCVAl6PRrlNrLVpT6g

Period 6 AVID - 05qUshGSf6AzRrlNrLVpT6g


Assignment Details are below

This week in AVID you are tasked with Recreating a Print News Story and making it into a animated Video Cast.

You need to complete the following tasks.

  1. Find a NEWS ELA article of your choosing and Cornell Note it’s content.  You need to have the following items noted.
    1. Location of the Article
    2. What is it trying to convey.
    3. Is this article reporting news are trying to persuade you.
    4. Who are the main characters in the story.
    5. What are the main characters doing in the story.
  2. When you have found an article you may begin taking your Cornell Notes on the article.  
  3. You may then begin to log into Go Animate by using the following steps.
    1. Click on the Wicor Warriors Tab
    2. Go to the Wicor Warriors Blog
    3. Click on the Go Animate Link
    4. Log into your Go Animate Account
  4. Click on the Youtube Tutorial on how to create a Go Animate Video
  5. You need to create a 6 scene newscast (minimum) of your news story!

Extra Credit Assignment for Week of 3/6 through 3/10

Students need to watch the following two videos and take Cornell Notes on both (they will have two seperate Cornell Notes turned in both titled appropriately).  Then they will need to write a 5 paragraph essay on the Growth Mindset.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Go Animate- Tutorial and Log In

Go Animate

Part of discovering new ways to interact with content is finding new ways to present Content.  The students will begin their exploration of GoAnimate presentation software.

They need to click on the link below to get to our Class Website.

Group Code to Join

Period 3 AVID - 0wALGVCVAl6PRrlNrLVpT6g

Period 6 AVID - 05qUshGSf6AzRrlNrLVpT6g


Assignment Details are below

This week in AVID you are tasked with Recreating a Print News Story and making it into a animated Video Cast.

You need to complete the following tasks.

  1. Find a NEWS ELA article of your choosing and Cornell Note it’s content.  You need to have the following items noted.
    1. Location of the Article
    2. What is it trying to convey.
    3. Is this article reporting news are trying to persuade you.
    4. Who are the main characters in the story.
    5. What are the main characters doing in the story.
  2. When you have found an article you may begin taking your Cornell Notes on the article.  
  3. You may then begin to log into Go Animate by using the following steps.
    1. Click on the Wicor Warriors Tab
    2. Go to the Wicor Warriors Blog
    3. Click on the Go Animate Link
    4. Log into your Go Animate Account
  4. Click on the Youtube Tutorial on how to create a Go Animate Video
  5. You need to create a 6 scene newscast (minimum) of your news story!