Friday, October 30, 2015

Solving Challenges Inside the Box????

Today the students will be exercising their creative talents.  They will be completing the Paper Airplane Challenge in class.  The students will be creating a Paper Airplane that will only fly 10 feet and landing inside of a 2ft x 2ft box.

They will be given the following supplies:

1 Sheet of Printing Paper
12 inches of Tape
12 inches of String
3 paper clips

They will have 10 minutes to plan and then they will be given 5 minutes to build.

But first they need to understand the baseline teaching theory behind what we will be doing.

Creative Thinking

Paper Airplane Samples

Monday, October 26, 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

7th Grade Avid - Creative Lab Friday

Today we are laying the ground work for Philosophical Chairs.  In their table groups they will be watching the following group rules and creating a Group Set of Philosphical Chair Rules.

After the students have created a quick group list of rules we will share, discuss, and create a classroom set of rules for Philosophical Chairs.  We will be doing our first Philosophical Chair on Monday!

Lastly, we will be doing our first Creative Lab Session.  During this session the students will be given a prompt, have 10 minutes to create, write, draw, plan, etc....  Then we will come to the circle and Share.

Should be a productive day!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

College and Career Fair Registration

Today in AVID you will be registering for the College and Career Fair.

Click on the link below to complete your registration.

Scroll down to the Spokane Listing and Click the Attending Box.

Then Click Register Now.

Use your Log In User Name and Password for your sign in information.

Click Print after you have finished the registration and give the barcode to your teacher!